August 17, 2018
Media Mentions
BL Rankings, LLC
Best Lawyers in America® has recognized 10 Beck Redden LLP attorneys in its 2019 ranking of the nation’s top legal talent.
Best Lawyers in America® is an annual referral guide that lists outstanding attorneys throughout the United States. Lawyers are selected based on detailed peer-review evaluations of leading lawyers about the professional abilities of their colleagues within the same geographical area and legal practice area.
The following Beck Redden attorneys were named 2019 Best Lawyers in America®:
- Fields Alexander: Personal Injury Litigation – Defendants, Product Liability Litigation – Defendants
- David J. Beck: Natural Resources Law, Commercial Litigation, Bet-the-Company Litigation, Litigation – Intellectual Property, Litigation – Antitrust, Litigation – Patent, Litigation – Environmental, Legal Malpractice Law – Defendants
- Alistair B. Dawson: Commercial Litigation
- Thomas E. Ganucheau: Litigation – Labor and Employment
- Jeffrey M. Golub: Product Liability Litigation – Defendants
- David M. Gunn: Appellate Practice, Commercial Litigation, Bet-the-Company Litigation
- David W. Jones: Insurance Law
- Russell S. Post: Appellate Practice
- Joe W. Redden: Personal Injury Litigation – Defendants
- W. Curt Webb: Product Liability Litigation – Plaintiffs, Product Liability Litigation – Defendants
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Please note that any communication with Beck Redden via e-mail through this website does not constitute or create an attorney-client relationship with Beck Redden. Please do not send any confidential information. A conflict-of-interest procedure must be completed by Beck Redden before an attorney-client relationship can be established. When you execute an engagement letter from Beck Redden, you will be our client, and you may then exchange information confidentially with a Beck Redden attorney.
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