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Beck Redden Selected to The National Law Journal’s 2020 Appellate Hot List
November 3, 2020
Media Mentions
The National Law Journal
The National Law Journal has selected Beck Redden LLP to its 2020 Appellate Hot List. This list of top firms tackled novel issues and overcame unprecedented challenges over the past year, boasting high-profile and high-stakes wins in the nation’s highest appellate courts across a number of practice areas.
Led by David M. Gunn and Russell S. Post, the Firm’s Appellate Section enjoyed another series of significant successes this past year. Highlights include a precedent-setting $500+ million Texas Supreme Court victory for Enterprise Products Partners, a $400+ million Fifth Circuit judgment for HP, Inc., a $50 million appellate win for SandBox Logistics, and $20+ million wins for ExxonMobil and Energy Intelligence Group, Inc.
Recognized as one of the nation’s preeminent litigation boutiques, Beck Redden and its appellate lawyers are exemplary – winning big for clients in the Texas Supreme Court and U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in the past year. With litigation as the Firm’s only practice, courtroom advocacy is its forte and exceptional brief-writing is the hallmark of the appellate team. The appellate lawyers have dedicated their entire practice to civil appeals and complex civil litigation and represent Fortune 500 companies in sophisticated matters in courtrooms throughout the United States. The subject matter of this work runs the spectrum of civil litigation – from oil and gas law, personal injury law, product liability, contractual and securities cases, to the law governing lawyers – as well as Constitutional Law. The team is known for combining the broad intellectual perspective demanded by the appellate process with the focused advocacy necessary to excel in civil litigation.