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Texas International Law Journal Honors David J. Beck with the E. Ernest Goldstein Award

March 8, 2023


Texas International Law Journal

For only the second time in its history, the Texas International Law Journal (TILJ) presented its E. Ernest Goldstein Award, and it did so to Beck Redden Founder David J. Beck. The award goes to a TILJ alumnus who has made a lasting impact on the Journal through either their work while they were a student or as an alumnus, or who has made a lasting impact in the Texas legal community or the international legal community.

Mr. Beck was a founding member of the TILJ in 1965. The Journal is now in its 58th issue and has received substantial praise for the quality of its publications. Mr. Beck worked with Professor Goldstein, the faculty advisor at the time, making this award especially meaningful.

Several Beck Redden attorneys attended the TILJ Banquet, including Partner Geoff Gannaway who had the honor of presenting the award.

David J. Beck 713.951.6209
Commercial Litigation