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The American College of Trial Lawyers Honors David J. Beck with the Joe Reynolds Award
May 12, 2023
Beck Redden LLP is pleased to announce that The American College of Trial Lawyers (ACTL) honored Founding Partner David J. Beck with the Joe Reynolds Award at the Texas Fellows Retreat in San Antonio on May 12, 2023. Joe Reynolds, an exceptional Texas trial lawyer, was a highly decorated U.S. Marine who participated in the Marine Corp’s two major battles, Iwo Jima in World War II, and Chosin Reservoir in Korea.
The award was established by the Texas State Committee to honor Fellows whose “career has exemplified the qualities of ethics and professionalism embodied in the College’s Codes of Trial and Pretrial Conduct and whose actions and accomplishments manifest a lifetime commitment to advancing the administration of justice through service in the legal profession, the judiciary, government, or public service”. Mr. Beck was chosen for his many and significant contributions to the College.
The ACTL is composed of preeminent members of the Trial Bar from the United States and Canada and is recognized as the leading trial lawyers organization in both countries. Fellowship is extended only by invitation, after careful investigation, to those experienced trial lawyers who have mastered the art of advocacy and whose professional careers have been marked by the highest standards of ethical conduct, professionalism, civility, and collegiality.