Our work



From its very inception, Beck Redden was founded as a litigation defense firm with a strong concentration on the energy industry. Our firm has grown to include other highly-capable practice areas, but our reputation as fearless and accomplished defense-side trial lawyers for Fortune 500 companies remains a constant.

At Beck Redden, we understand that large companies today look at litigation from a cost-benefit point of view. When seeking outside trial counsel, companies consider a law firm’s past performance, how cases will be staffed, overall costs, and whether the firm is truly up to the task of taking high stakes cases to trial. We work closely with our clients to develop a comprehensive strategy from both a legal and business point of view, giving them confidence in their representation and a financial picture they can plan for.

Our lawyers structure cases to win at trial from the ground up. Our experience and skill is evident right from discovery, as we painstakingly dissect documents, extract valuable testimony from witnesses, and construct the arguments needed to secure the moral high ground in the courtroom. While early involvement is always beneficial, we are also able to ramp up quickly if needed. When a case suddenly presents a company with unacceptable risk, it is not uncommon for Beck Redden to get the call to try it – even if another well-known global law firm has been working on the matter for years. No matter the circumstances, our capability and comfort in the courtroom is a valuable addition to any defense.

Our Defense practice helps clients by:
  • Bringing our trial law experience and deep bench to bear in high-stakes matters
  • Working up cases to win at trial
  • Bolstering a client’s existing counsel with additional proven courtroom advocacy
  • Leveraging our renowned appellate team to either galvanize a favorable verdict or present a strong appeal for reversal base on preserved errors in fact, procedure, or law
  • Preparing for even the most technical and complex cases with the help of lawyers and subject matter experts well-versed in specific areas of law or industry
  • Applying effective pressure points on opponents to seek beneficial outcomes short of trial

Readiness for trial aside, Beck Redden lawyers strive to be wise and trusted counselors focused on their clients’ broader business objectives. We seek positive resolution, through both traditional and innovative approaches, to the problems our clients face. At times, this requires bringing down the temperature or telling a client something they don’t want to hear. With the client’s best interests in mind, we are at ease doing so.

When both reputation and millions of dollars are at stake, engaging Beck Redden for defense sends the message that you will not be intimidated by the plaintiff, their counsel, or anyone else – and you are absolutely prepared to go to trial, without hesitation. This posture alone can serve to lower the celebrant expectations of the other side, bringing with it the possibility of resolving matters on a more favorable basis.

John Adcock

Of Counsel



Madeline Gay




David J. Beck 713.951.6209